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"Sexism" means:

A. The establishment and support of an arbitrary ideal of physical human beauty, unattainable by a majority of individuals in a given social group of society.

B. The measuring of individual human worth, partially or wholly relative to that ideal.


The male ideal for traditional and contemporary Western sexism correponds to the Greek standard of youthful, muscular, slender, unblemished figure with a square jaw, large deep-set eyes and thick fair hair. Sexism expresses itself in ageism and racism. Our whitemale-dominated society deems covert manifestations of old age "ugly" as it does non-Aryan characteristics.

Sexism was first identified by the Women's Movement as a major political target, from which it became a polemic in the Gay Movement as well. Traditionally, women have been heavily exploited by a socioeconomic sexism. The cosmetics industry and to a considerable extent the fashion industry are founded and depend upon the gap between the original individual and the artificial model of "perfection."

Since women have historically been viewed as sex objects, they have had to compete with each other to match the feminine ideal of beauty. Recently, however, Madison Avenue has directed its exploitation toward men so that there is increasing pressure for men to refine their physical features SO as to




corespond with "excellence."


In the gay culture the oppression of males by sexism becomes more acute because gay men find themselves the objects of sex as well as the "aggressors." Gay men tend to be far more fashion-conscious and concerned with physical appearance than do straight men. Ads for gay entertainment frequently feature "chunky". models with as much exposure of Greco-Nordic nudity as possible. Classifieds ban "fats, fems, wrinkles, and even b/m's."

Nowhere is sexism more immediate than in a cruising scenario, Sex is one of the most powerful human drivers ranking with eating, sleeping, etc. Yet many men are denied sexual release because they are handicapped by big noses, potbellies, balding, varicose veins, and SO on. Contacts are overwhelmingly initiated on the bases of physical attraction.. Many, if not most, men leave a bar traumatized and disappointed, either because they have been "rejected" or because they have failed to locate someone whom they felt was worthwhile cruising.

Although we often refuse to admit it, our primary concern in establishing either a TEMPORARY OR LASTING


RELATIONSHIP SOMEONE IS HIS PHYSICAL MERIT. A nuclear physicist is more likely to seek intimacy with a handsome lawyer than he is with a 300-pound, crippled, 60year-old physicist with acne, even though he may have far more in common with the latter.

Many falsely believe that personality is the key factor in seeking out a comrade. Not so! We are conditioned from a very young age to expect certain bodily traits in a close companion. Television teaches us that an unattractive friend must be relegated to the status of a comical "side-kick," as for instance: (old) Gabby Hays, (fat) Andy Devine, (nonwhie) Tonto, etc. Peer companions, on the other hand, must possess "good" looks, as for example: Spin and Marty, Bill and Bart Maverick, the "delicious" duo in Adam-12, Butch Cassidy and


1281 W. NINTH


Luncheon Served Cocktail Hour 4-7



Buffet Served

at 7 pm

Mass at 1 by Julie Champagne Brunch at 2



the Sundance Kid, etc.

Our young subconsious is programmed to have specific expectations as to how our true "buddy" should appear. s romantic love relationship with someone who is sexually abhorrent is unthinkable.

Many men are deluded into thinking that their type-preference is purely a matter of taste. This is hardly the case. While sexism does allow for a margin of diversity (ex., blond or brown hair, hairy body or smooth, etc.), it bans without compromise other basic conditions (fat, age, and SO forth). To be sure some individuals have fetishes for chubbiness, maturity and other predilictions, but these are minor exceptions in a rigidly conditioned majority.

Sexism is a uniquely homosapien invention not found in an infra-human species. For example, anatomical type varies enormously among all dogs who belong to the same species. Yet during mating season males will "cruse" virtually any mature female without regard to size, age, coloration, or even physical impairment. If we were living in a dog society almost anyone could score at a given rally except one or two who might be left out because of mathematical probabilities. Also, emotionally compatible relationships would be much more forthcoming.

Notwithstanding the moral outrage of sexism, we cannot expect ourselves or others to suddenly revise their type-

MARCH 1976

preference. Sexism may be associated with imprinting or. some other psychological process making it next to impossible for us to liberate our "tastes." But we need not castigate ourselves as hypocrites. Although we may be "hooked" on sexism, we can resist its propagation. We can discourage sexist propoganda in publications over which we have some influence and campaign against it wherever we have a forum to do so.

The idealization of an atypical human form is a powerful cultural invective. A recent sampling revealed that jurors gave more favorable decisions to "attractive" defendants than they did to "plain" ones. Sexism is the source of much suffering and fustration. Sexual expression is necessary for a healthy psyche. Imagine if food and shelter were dispensed according to how well-built or "cute" we were!

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder; but if it were not for sexism, there would be a great deal more of it.


Lambda Gifts

8-? MON. FRI. 1077 S. MAIN ST. #4 Akron, Ohio 44311


CLEVELAND The Ohio East Lambda Awards were presented at a gayla affair held at the Bayou Landing on February 23. The Lambda Awards are a set of nineteen awards to be presented yearly to people, businesses, and organizations which have been instrumental in the past year in providing services to the gay community.

The areas covered by the awards include mainly entertainment, but also single out those in the community who have done much for the spirit and cohesiveness of the community in Northeast Ohio. The awards are sponsored by Ohio East Gay News which receives the proceeds of the benefit award ceremony. Part of the proceeds are to be set aside for use in aiding community services centers, such as the one which the G.E.A.R. Foundation hopes to open in Cleveland.

The award ceremony itself was a striking and entertaining evening. Done in "Academy Awards" style, tuxedos and elaborate evening dress enhanced the buoyant atmosphere of the remarkably large crowd for a Monday Tiffany Jones was presented with a special awardthe Mae West Diamond Award for excellence in entertainment in a gay establishment.

This marks the first time it has been presented in the U.S.

Awards of special note included: Woman of the Year, won by Dolores Noll; Humanitarian Award, picked up by Rev. Stan Roberts of MCC/Akron. The voting in the bar and entertainment categories showed similar strength of spirit on the part of Akron area gays. The American Hotel's Slave Auction for Charity was voted the most original event promotional event, an which netted for the Akron Salvation Army Christmas Fund the second largest contribution of the year. Such events have an added bonus of increasing the public image of gays.

Jerry Batel walked off with the Unity Award, due in large part to the Bayou Landing's benefit performances for area groups and for attempts at increasing the communication among local business people. The only "squeaker" in the voting came in the Image Maker Award, where John Nosek of the G.E.A.R. Foundation and coeditor of High Gear nudged out John Vogel of Radio Free Lambda.

The total number of ballots cast (about 1200) indicated the remarkable interest in the awards. Hopefully, this interest will be revived next year when the Ohio East Lambda Awards come around again, or this summer during Gay Pride Week when community services will also be recognized.